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Welcome to your monthly property update!

Woodpecker Lane, Newhall, CM17 9GZ

The first thing you appreciate when viewing our clients property is its location. Positioned in a seclude area of the award winning...

Click here to read Woodpecker Lane, Newhall, CM17 9GZ

Pilkingtons, Church Langley, CM17 9DR

Pilkingtons is a quiet cul-de-sac located off Church Langley Way. This property is presented immaculately throughout, benefiting...

Click here to read Pilkingtons, Church Langley, CM17 9DR

 24 Dec 2023

Get into the Christmas Spirit with a visit to our famous Santa’s Grotto, opening on the Ground Floor from Tuesday 8th November. 

Click here to read SANTA’S GROTTO |
 24 Dec 2023

Have you heard about the Boxing Day home viewing boom?

It’s believed Boxing Day is so named because it originated as a day to give gifts to the poor. Today, it’s synonymous with Boxing Day sales. But it may interest you to know that the property market is not immune to this buying fever. On Boxing Day, 2022, the number of sellers who put their property up for sale increased by 46% on Rightmove, and the number of views of homes for sale jumped by 20% between the week of Christmas and Boxing Day.*

A nice time to look 
Many of us spend more time with our homes at Christmas. It’s perfect for catching up with loved ones, eating, relaxing, and, let's face it, buying. Even if you are not in the market right now, it’s always nice to have a look. Thousands of homes present themselves, and you can feast on idyllic settings, awe-inspiring designs, perfect fireplaces, and outdoor spaces that take your breath away.

Selling up? 
With so many people putting their homes on the market and so many people viewing, the first week of January is rather busy for agents. Many report that the week of Christmas is the busiest time of the year. Making a fresh start as a new year appears is a very appealing idea. It’s also quite practical, as a vibrant market creates more opportunities to find your home or investment property. It’s exciting, saving you a bit of time, and with a big focus on pricing, you could gain by getting a good price for your current home while paying the right price for your new property. 

Top tips for the big sale:

Kerb appeal
If your home looks good at first glance, it will have a vastly better chance of finding its new owners. A splash of paint or a little weeding can freshen up your home drastically.

Your garden 
A good garden is a massive part of buying a home for more and more buyers. Make it look good to attract your buyer and get the true value of your home.

Pay attention to the price 
Pricing your home correctly is invaluable in today's market. And with so many variables to consider, such as your home's unique selling points, market knowledge, and activity, the skills of a good agent are vital.

Get your valuation from a good agent 
There are so many ways to get in touch with your agent. You can begin your move by getting an instant valuation and arranging face-to-face valuations, which will find any hidden value in your home.

Press the right buttons
As you peruse beautiful properties, it’s vital that you press the right buttons! Agent’s sites will give you options to begin your moving process immediately. Often, by booking a  viewing, just follow the links.

Make the most of your agent
Prepare your rooms well. Your agent will be an expert in dressing your home. Utilising the latest technology to take high-quality pictures and possibly three-dimensional tours of your home at its best. Your agent will happily guide you in all aspects.

Remember, your agent is connected
Agents will be busy in early January, and their databases will be bustling with buyers and sellers who are eagerly waiting to move. You will be able to move quickly and link with more mortgage options.


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Interested in buying a leasehold property? Here’s what you need to know

If you are looking for a more affordable way of finding a new home or entering the property ladder, buying a leasehold property could be the best option for you. With lower upfront costs and fewer maintenance responsibilities, this type of property can offer a more relaxed experience for buyers. Whether you are buying your first home or simply looking to relocate, it is essential that you understand the complexities of leasehold ownership. Here’s everything you need to know...

What is a leasehold property?
When purchasing a leasehold property, the leaseholder acquires the right to use and occupy the land and the buildings on it for a certain period of time, while the freeholder who grants the lease retains ownership of the land. This differs from purchasing a freehold property, which grants the owner complete ownership of both the land and the buildings on it for an indefinite period of time. The freeholder is responsible for any necessary repairs and the upkeep of the property throughout the duration of the lease.

Lease duration
Leaseholds have a specified duration for which the leaseholder has the right to occupy the property. The length of a leasehold can range from a few years to several decades, with 99, 125, and 999 years being common durations. The length of a lease can have a significant impact on the market value of a property, as a longer duration is often regarded as more reliable for buyers.

Ground rent
The regular payment from a leaseholder to the freeholder for the use of the land on which a home is situated is known as ground rent. The amount and payment frequency of the lease is stated in the contract, and costs £10-£500 per year, with the average leaseholder in the United Kingdom paying just £50 per year.*

Service charges
Leaseholders are responsible for paying service charges, which are used to pay for the upkeep and maintenance of communal areas and facilities such as corridors, gardens, and exterior walls. The freeholder is responsible for making any necessary repairs to the property as well as making sure it is properly insured. The lease agreement should specify in detail what the freeholder is responsible for and should also detail the leaseholder's financial responsibilities.

Lease extensions
If certain criteria are met, leaseholders may have the choice to extend their lease period, which can provide peace of mind and increase the value of a property. The leaseholder is only eligible for a lease extension once they have owned the property for at least two years. The safest way of extending a lease is by the leaseholder giving the freeholder a statutory notice expressing their desire to extend the lease by 90 years and stop paying ground rent. The price will be negotiated between the two parties and then decided upon mutually. If a freeholder decides to sell their property, the leaseholder legally has the right of first refusal.

Professional advice
Before buying a leasehold property, it is important to check through the lease agreement to make sure all the details are correct, including the duration of the lease, the cost of ground rent and service charges, and the options for extending the lease in the future. It is important to talk to your estate agent when you are looking to buy a leasehold property, as they can help with finding a suitable property, explaining the terms of a lease, and negotiating ground rent and service charges.


Looking for your next home? Get in touch today


New year, new home, new beginning?

Here we go again! Another new year, another chance to find everything you are looking for in a property. Could 2024 be the year that you have all the right questions answered with a lovely new home?
A new year
With visions of a better year ahead for 2024 popping into your head, you are forgiven for feeling excited about moving. The Christmas break is the perfect time to start searching as thousands of properties magically appear on the market. Sitting back in your favourite chair by the fire when you have some time to take a step towards a better future is a nice way to relax. A new year always brings new opportunities. If you see yourself and your loved ones sitting in a better garden, enjoying a bigger kitchen, or beaming with smiles because you are living in the location you love, then talk to your agent. The past year has been strong and proves that the UK property market is extremely resilient. Buyer demand is still incredibly strong, and prices are stable. At this time of year, you have the best of all worlds. There is plenty of buyer activity, but also plenty of people who will wait until the market is in full swing in the spring. That means high demand with not-so-high supply, which could lead to a swift sale and the new home you have been looking for.
A new home
The past few years have been eventful, but 2024 looks like it could be the year in which things settle down, which is why many people will choose to do exactly that. Making new friends in a new location, even if it’s in the same town, is an opportunity to make a fresh start. Decluttering your life from all the stuff you have collected over the years is a liberating experience. There is something extra special about doing this as the year begins. Are you craving a better property with a garden and an outdoor living area to cherish, that is, energy-efficient, full of character, cosy, and airy at the same time? Could a move mean a better education for your children? Could it lead to a happier life? Create a healthier life closer to family? A holiday home or a buy-to-let investment? Whatever you are interested in now is your opportunity to make a move before the property market takes off again.
A new beginning
There is so much to feel positive about as we head into 2024. Interest rates are stabilising, leading to lower mortgage rates and an increase in the number of mortgage types available. There is more time to pay with longer terms, interest-only options, porting, green mortgages, guarantor mortgages, interest-only and offset mortgages, which allow you to use your savings to reduce your balance, meaning you pay less interest. Agents’ listings are full of properties that have had a lot of work carried out, elevating them to new standards. And the market looks nicely placed due to its steady pace built on solid foundations. This is based on high demand and a high rate of mortgage-free home ownership. Don’t be jealous; this helps keep the property market financially secure. In 2021, 32.6 percent of dwellings were owned outright in England.* The market has become more complex than ever, and properties are becoming more individualistic. It takes real expertise and market knowledge to optimise your home move, so you can make the most of your new beginning.
Contact us to discuss how we can help create your new beginning

This is money*

Does 2024 hold a better future for landlords and tenants?

The rental market in the UK is going from strength to strength. Despite the negative news stories in the press, there is much to look forward to and celebrate as we enter another new year. A better deal for landlords and tenants, beautiful properties, and new landlords entering the market promise to add a breath of fresh air to the entire industry.

Good demand 
Rental demand is growing, and many new landlords are entering the buy-to-let business as some choose to retire. This will bring new ideas and a fresh approach to the industry. If you are a tenant, you will benefit from higher standards of property. Landlords now take a long-term view of property investment and the energy efficiency standards that are required today. This improves life for both landlords and tenants.

A fresh supply of properties 
It’s no secret that there is a shortage of property, both for sale and rent, in the UK. This will continue in 2024. However, the good news is that the first-time buyer market will most likely continue to be buoyant. As first-time buyers move out of their rented properties, more will appear on the market for you to rent. So, it’s worth keeping in touch with a letting agent. Landlords will also benefit from lowering interest rates and falling inflation, meaning they can expand their property portfolios, adding to the supply of rental properties for tenants. Lowering inflation will also make life easier for tenants, as it helps reduce the cost of living 

The Renters Reform Bill
This has now had its second reading in Parliament and is at the committee stage. It aims to deliver reforms that will make life fairer for tenants and landlords. Despite the scaremongering, landlords need not fear. Landlords will be able to carry out referencing and have the final say as to who they let their property to. Landlords will also be able to recover their properties more easily, particularly from anti-social tenants breaching their tenancy agreements. Tenants will benefit from safer, better-quality homes, with fairer tenancy agreements, more rights for their pets, and the ability to challenge landlords for unlawful evictions. However, the Renters Reform Bill is not expected to become law until the end of 2024 at the earliest.

A crackdown on rogue landlords and tenants    
Increased levels of legislation, such as the Renters Reform Bill, will help to stop rogue landlords and tenants in their tracks. This is good news for both parties, as it will prevent unscrupulous landlords from undermining the positive reputation of the industry. Tenants will have a better choice of nicer properties. As these landlords move out of the industry, tenants can move into better properties provided by good landlords. The landlord-tenant relationship thrives when you place good tenants in great properties. It will be more possible for this to flourish in 2024 since the landscape will have advanced in a way never seen before.

More landlords and tenants will choose managed services    
Life for tenants and landlords will be made much easier with a managed letting service. Tenants don’t have to worry about searching high and low for a good property, and landlords can find good tenants with all checks in place. When it comes to maintenance, it can be taken care of swiftly, which saves a lot of time for landlords and is incredibly reassuring for tenants. Rent collection is also made more convenient for both parties, and that’s just some of the ever-growing facilities agents can offer.

2024 is set to be a good year, with more rights for tenants and landlords. Renting has many advantages over buying. You don’t have to worry about maintenance; the deposit is smaller, and you can make a move quickly. With more reforms on the horizon and new landlords entering the market, landlords can add to their portfolios or start from scratch in a stable market, which will protect their investment. Tenants will be able to enjoy a greater choice of better properties.


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