Top tips to fall in love with your home all over again

Top tips to fall in love with your home all over again

Love is in the air at this time of year. Although you may still love your home, ask yourself, Are you ‘in love’ with it? If the answer is no, here are some ideas to bring back those special feelings. Or is it time to move on by finding a property you adore?

Seek inspiration
Your friends, family, magazines, online articles, and favourite home improvement TV shows are all fantastic sources of inspiration. Open your mind and consider homes that are completely unlike yours. Nature and art can not only add a new dimension but also give you plenty of ideas. Amid this, it is important not to forget the most important things, and that’s you and the people who share your home. So, express yourself and add a bit of you, whether that’s your love of weathered furniture or photography of local scenery.

Experiment with your layout
Do not underestimate the massive impact that rearranging your furniture can have. Perhaps there is a better use of your space. You could start by changing the location of larger furniture, such as tables, chairs and sofas. If rearranging isn’t enough, you could introduce new themes, such as antique contrasted with modern minimalism, and change the whole feel of a room. Although ‘de-cluttering’ may be tempting, it is important to retain items and furniture which have joyful memories attached to it.

Home improvements
Many homeowners are improving their homes with future buyers in mind. There are hundreds of ways to add value to your home. On trend for 2024 are al fresco living spaces, glass door walls, smart technology, efficient kitchens, and eco-friendly upgrades such as solar panels. Adding another room by converting existing spaces and removing walls can make your home feel much larger. With the right renovations and decorations, your entire home will feel like new.

Discover a nicer house
Sometimes it’s easier to move to a better home. Home improvements can be far more stressful than moving. And if you know you would be happier in a different home, it’s an easy decision. Fulfil your desire for improved garden space, a beautiful bathroom, better views all in your ideal location by simply moving. Many UK homes have undergone vast improvements, and good agents make moving easy. All you have to do is decide which home you love more—your existing home or your next!
Get in touch to see how we can help you find the home you love